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In this post, I want to clarify my motivation for setting up this blog and the topics I am interested in writing about.

Who is this?

Using reason, the organism referred to as "Benedikt" (referred to as "I"). I believein the concepts of utilitarianism, consequentialism, transhumanism, and monism.

Why is this article written in English or German?

I was born and raised in Germany. German is my native language. I want to reach many people around the world. Therefore, I am using the language most people can speak and to improve my English skills.

Why this blog?

I used to write articles on Medium but disliked the developments of the platform. As I wanted more control over the platform where I am hosting my content, I am now using a custom solution. You know those good old days when the Internet was the "wild west" where surfing meant exploring the web? I remember a time when the internet was not full of advertisements and corporate websites. People wrote their own websites and even their own browser games. I still remember one specific site which was an archetype of this type. In school, I was tasked to write about China, as it was not as global as it is today, and do some internet research on that topic. I discovered a site of one guy who was an expert on China. He set up his own website and shared his expertise. It was fascinating. Nowadays, you rarely find pages like that. Sometimes I see some decade-old pages explaining some obscure topic. I want to bring this experience back to you. If you like my posts, please link them on your blog or website. I am happy to receive feedback emails and answer your questions. I still follow some blogs using RSS/Atom technology. RSS and Atom are protocols which can be used by applications called feed readers, which check websites. You then get a feed like on Facebook, but you have control of the sources and there is no company involved. Sounds great? You can try it out yourself. Just use the URL of this site in any RSS reader. I am using NetNewsWire 4. When you look at the state of society, you will see that social media has changed us a lot. I believe that many changes are not healthy changes. Although I grew up with technology and still believe that technology gives us useful improvements, I stopped using Facebook, Instagram, and avoid WhatsApp. People often cite that these are tools they need to stay connected with friends and family, but they miss two things. Every minute you spend using these tools you could do something different. For example, instead of browsing Facebook for half an hour, you could call a friend - an experience which connects you deeper than Facebook could. This absence of some activities because you chose to pursue other activities is called opportunity costs. I want people to get updates on my life and share my ideas. Maintaining a blog keeps me writing and finishing my projects and working on ideas. In order to further decrease my Facebook usage, I need people to get updates on my life and thoughts, which I would previously post on Facebook, from a different source. Hence this blog.


I believe that AI has and will have an enormous impact on life on earth. Digital transformation, start-ups, and computer technology, in general, are also my interests.

Technical things

This blog is hosted on Hetzner. The software for the blog is grav, which is a flat-file content management system. I am using the HPSTR theme. I customized it to make it GDPR compliant by removing externally loaded resources.